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Rotary International Club ID# 1955

Thank you for being so interested in Rotary. Our club is the Northwest Austin Rotary Club which has about 90 members who meet for breakfast each Friday at 7:00 A.M. at  Holiday Express, located at 10711 N Research Blvd, Austin, TX.

As you may know, Rotary International is a volunteer organization of 1.2 million business, and professional leaders united worldwide to provide humanitarian service and help build goodwill and peace. Rotary's website at www.rotary.org has a wealth of information about this global organization that has about 32,000 clubs in more than 200 countries.

Local, national, and international clubs are engaged in many challenging projects - including illiteracy, disease, hunger, poverty, lack of clean water, and environmental concerns. High ethical standards in all vocations are emphasized.

Our club is engaged in numerous service projects locally and outside our community. All members are expected to be service-oriented and to become involved in one or more of Rotary's five major avenues of service: Community, International, Vocational, Club, and Youth Service.

Our major fund-raising project is our annual sale of citrus fruit. We bring oranges and grapefruit up from the Texas Valley in December, and each member is expected to sell a designated amount of fruit. This project is critically important to financing the many community service projects we support. https://rotarianfruit.org/


The Object of Rotary

Rotary's purpose is to "encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise." Rotary is a service organization. Since 1910, the Rotary Motto has been "Service Above Self." Rotary strives to achieve its "Service Above Self" objective through activities in four primary areas. These are often referred to as the Four Avenues of Service.
Club Service 
This "Avenue" promotes the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service. It involves the activities necessary to make the Club function successfully and achieve its goals. 
Vocational Services 
This area represents each Rotarian has the opportunity to represent the dignity and utility of one's vocation as an opportunity to serve society. Rotarians promote and foster high ethical standards in business and professions and promote the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations. 
Community Service 
This "Avenue" relates to the activities that Rotarians undertake to improve the quality of life in their community. Particular emphasis is given to helping children, needy families, the aged, the handicapped, and those most in need of assistance. Rotarians strive to promote the ideal of service in their personal, business, and community lives.
International Service 
In this area, Rotarians strive for the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. International Service Projects are designed to meet the humanitarian needs of people in many lands, with particular emphasis on the most underprivileged children and families in developing countries.  Some of the larger projects we support are libraries in Kenya and Uganda, building water wells in Ethiopia,  Solar Light Project in villages to alleviate the need for kerosene, as well as other projects.
Youth Service 
We work with young people through Youth Service and New Generations Service to help them become the next generation of leaders, visionaries, and peacemakers.  Rotary has several youth programs we sponsor, including Rotaract, Interact, Foreign Youth Exchange, RYLA, and others.